Monday, December 31, 2007

Promotion - Saturday January 5

The public is welcome at the very first promotion, this Saturday January 5th at 11:00am. Mike Mehaffey will be promoting to Yellow Belt at this promotion, having proven his proficiency in Yellow Belt techniques. Mike will now be permitted (and required) to spar in the studio.

Come cheer him on as he displays his new Kenpo skills!

- Mr. Eric

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! This year has been full of changes for both Mr. Gwilt and I. From promoting on the same day, he to Fourth Degree Back, and I to First Degree Black, to opening the studio, to working on marketing and putting together the website, blog, etc. It's been a whirlwind. Thanks to everyone who have been so supportive of our efforts in opening the studio.

Special thanks need to go out to our teacher - Gary Ronemus for his never-ending support. Without his blessing and assistance, we would never have a studio of our own.

- Mr. Eric