Monday, March 30, 2009

Fitness with Kenpo

Fitness is important.  As students of Kenpo, we need to stay fit.  We push our bodies when we spar and when we do rotating technique lines.  Being fit will help us all heal from injury much faster, or prevent us from being injured in the first place.  Our workouts should and do incorporate strength training, stretching and cardiovascular activity.  Here is what our typical class workout will consist of:

stretching - arms, legs, neck, back
pushups - (50)
situps - (50)
one minute on the punching bag, sustained as hard and fast as possible
knee strikes (50 each knee)
medicine ball situps (40)
hello dolly's (40)
belt drags (length of studio and back)

Add to this our technique lines to work our techniques on bodies and sparring, and you've got your fitness solution.  Don't worry, I provide the propel, water and rest time when needed.  

Who needs a gym?  Save the money on that membership and get fit while you learn to defend yourself and your family!

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