Thursday, February 17, 2011

Being smart about trash

So I passed a house this morning that had a nice large box out in front from a brand new 60" plasma TV. The problem there is that they are letting every passerby know that there is a nice new television just on the other side of the door, all you have to do is come in and take it. It's a temptation that you shouldn't be broadcasting.

A better idea may have been to break the box up into small pieces and place it in a bag, or in another nondescript box, or to take the box to the dump or recycling center by itself. This is a smart thing to do not just over Christmas, but all year around.

Times are tough right now and people are getting more and more desperate out there. Don't give anyone the temptation to do something wrong.

Keep your head on a swivel.

1 comment:

John said...

Makes perfect sense. A little more work could save you a big headache.