Sunday, November 18, 2007


Welcome to Black Dragon Kenpo's Blog!
This blog will serve as a place to post questions about our studio and instructors.  Students & prospective students are encouraged to use the blog to quickly and easily post any query to Black Dragon's owners.  We are happy to answer any question you have!

We understand that it can be a little unnerving to first walk into a martial arts studio, not knowing what to expect.  We would like to help eliminate that feeling by allowing folks to anonymously post questions here.  Stay tuned for event listings, special pricing, etc!


- Black Dragon

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Greetings Mr. Gwilt, Mr. Scott, and Mr. Eric. I hope that all is going well with BDKenpo. Don't forget about us back at GRKenpo. Below is a quote that I found interesting. IMO, it illustrates that through hard work, training and understanding comes wisdom.

"When the karateka receives his first belt promotion, he rushes out to tell everyone.
After he receives his shodan certificate, he exits discreetly through the back door."

Keep sharing your wisdom, and hope to see you soon.

@) <--Kenpo Salute